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You can also call into the show on Wednesdays between 2:00 and 3:00 pm: (866) 576-1055

Listen to Past Episodes

On this week's episode of The Impact Hour, The Art of Reframing. Reframing gives us a new perspective on problems.
On this week's episode of The Impact Hour, Other People's Perspectives. Taking someone else's perspective can be highly beneficial for
On this week's episode of The Impact Hour, The Journey with Tonya Tyus Parker. Making a significant difference in the
On this week's episode of The Impact Hour, what lights you up? For some people the light has gone out
On this week's episode of The Impact Hour, redeem your tough experiences. Learn how you can make something good come
On this week's episode of The Impact Hour, life lessons from the Oroville Dam. There are some really great lessons

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