Many of you folks have talked about wanting to write a book. It’s been a back burner project for you for years. Well, now is your chance to get started on your book. Today we are talking about all the
Episode 83: Telling Your Story
Stories are powerful. People remember stories. Telling your stories is a great way to pass on the wisdom you’ve learned over the years. And there is an art to telling stories. Today we are talking about how to tell your
Episode 82: What the Goal?
We’ve all heard that we should set goals. So we set goals, but we’re not even sure why we’re setting them other than someone said we should. Without goals, our life is busy filled with activity but there’s no clear
Episode 81: Influence
We all desire a certain level of influence over our world. We desire to raise and influence our kids so that they live productive lives. We want influence in our workplace, to make a contribution. And we would like to
Episode 80: Mindsets for Your Life
What we believe and how we interpret the world directs our whole life. It influences where we work, where we live, who we marry, how we feel on a regular basis, and more. Today we are talking about the mindsets